Friday, February 24, 2012

Horror Film

Everyone loves a good apocalypse movie! I mean natural disasters, alien invasions, zombies, that stuff is cool! It's so science fiction that almost no one imagines it actually happening. I mean really. A cure for cancer that turns 99% of the world into zombies? A meteo threatening to wipe out earth? Yeah right. But you know what i think the scariest movies are? Demon films. Especially for Christians. Because demons exist.
How many times have aliens fought against humanity? Or Cowboys? Or the Fantastic Four? Never, never, and....never. Jesus incountered at least 20, maybe 50 possessed people in his ministry. That's one person, three years, and that many Demons?

And it still happens today! Most people scoff at exorcisms and the like, but the fact is they are very real. The one thing that I take comfort in is that most theologins agree, Christians cannot be possessed. I believe this is because we already have Christ in us. "There ain't room for the both of us here."

Just something to think about, next time you watch a horror movie for fun.

(Yes, I know that none of the movies I referenced up there were horror movies...but they would be....if they were plausible...)

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