Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To Be or Not to Be....Single

If you're reading this, you probably know I am single. I have been for about....forever or so. Some people think it's strange. Others have told me I'm not allowed to date until college...
Anyway, I wanna share my thoughts on this whole relationship craze.

I think 90% of high school relationships should never happen. (Middle school: 99%, Elementary: 100%) I do not think that just because a girl is pretty, you should date her. If he/she hasn't met your family, it's not time yet. If you met a month ago, definitely not. I'm just saying, get to know him/her first! I personally am not going to date anyone I'm not already friends with. As of now, I'm not willing to risk any of my friendships for a dating experience that I know won't last.

Another thing, if you've been together for three weeks, its not love. Unless you would be willing to marry them right now, it's not love.

1 Corinthians 7:32-35: I'm not gonna write it all out, but basically it says that married (or dating) people will focus on making their partner happy, while single folks can focus on God.
1 Corinthians 7:8: If you were just in a relationship, and it didn't work out, you don't need to get in another just to make you feel better! Give it time!
2 Corinthians 6:14: Don't date non-Christians!! You don't have to be mean about it, just lead them to Christ! Really, if you care about them, you should care about their eternal soul...
Oh, and 99.9% of the time, "missionary dating" is a lie.

Look, I'm not saying we all need to swear off dating, I'm saying you should think!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Horror Film

Everyone loves a good apocalypse movie! I mean natural disasters, alien invasions, zombies, that stuff is cool! It's so science fiction that almost no one imagines it actually happening. I mean really. A cure for cancer that turns 99% of the world into zombies? A meteo threatening to wipe out earth? Yeah right. But you know what i think the scariest movies are? Demon films. Especially for Christians. Because demons exist.
How many times have aliens fought against humanity? Or Cowboys? Or the Fantastic Four? Never, never, and....never. Jesus incountered at least 20, maybe 50 possessed people in his ministry. That's one person, three years, and that many Demons?

And it still happens today! Most people scoff at exorcisms and the like, but the fact is they are very real. The one thing that I take comfort in is that most theologins agree, Christians cannot be possessed. I believe this is because we already have Christ in us. "There ain't room for the both of us here."

Just something to think about, next time you watch a horror movie for fun.

(Yes, I know that none of the movies I referenced up there were horror movies...but they would be....if they were plausible...)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I've been thinking...

This time, I'm just going to post some thoughts. It might seem completely unconnected...get over it. :)

One of the main reasons people avoid Christianity is pain. "How could there be a loving God with so much suffering?" in Laura Story's words, "When darkness seems to win, the pain reminds us, this is not out home." in other words, God didn't intend for this world to be flawed, but every time we choose against Him, He is in pain too. And a lot of the time it hurts us or those around us.

Another huge turn-off for non-Christians is all the fakers. All of the people who call themselves Christians, (regardless of if they really are or not), but don't reflect Christ in any way. But it's more than that; even the Christians who are decent, if they hurt someone, that person gets "turned-off" of Christ. That is why we, as Christians, must constantly pray for the strength to do what's right.

I believe in the ultimate forgiveness of God. If you believe that God is God, and place your complete trust in Him, you will be saved, and spend eternity in Heaven, be it when you are 7 at summer camp, or on your death bed. I believe if Hitler had trusted in the One True God, he would be in heaven right now.

Being homosexual, (or Bi-) is a sin.it says so right in the bible. However, God won't ban you from heaven if you are! Any sin is equal in His sight. It's the same level as lying, cheating, murder, and rape. I'm not saying I embrace it, but I won't hate you, and God doesn't either.

These are just some of my thoughts. I won't claim that they're flawless, but they are what I believe. What are your thoughts?