Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank You

I think since Turkey Day was a few days ago, its only right I make a list of some things I'm thankful for:(Not in Order)
  • God- He's the reason for all of this! i dont always listen to him, but he keeps loving methrough all of it, and I'm soo glad he's mine.
  • Family- We have a few issuses, but we're like a diamond with a few scratches, compared to a lump of coal!
  • House/Yard- Sometimes I feel like my yard isn't very cool, but then i'll see others' and know how im blessed!
  • Best Friends- Jake, Luke, and Chase. I'm sure these guys would stick by me through anything from gayness to attempted suicide. (not that either of those are gonna happen!!)
  • Friends- They all just add joy to my life! And I have soo many! I'm so blessed!
  • iPod/Electronics- I use these for so much, from games, to reminders, to the bible!
  • Bible- speaking of! It's crazy to think that this book, which I take for granted, can get you arrested in other countries!
Thank you God, for blessing me with all of this, but please help me to use it for your glory!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Song of Songs

Wow. Its only my second time writing and I'm already writing about this. Love. As Davey Jones says, A dreadful bond." But according to Christian from Moulin Rouge, "Love is a many- splendored thing, Love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is Love!"And really, if the 'song of [all] songs' is all about Love, it must be pretty important. God is Love; Love is the most beautiful, powerful force in the universe!But Satan found a loophole. He discovered that love can be twisted. Just as an Orc is the dark side of on Elf, (LOTR right there), the most beautiful creature, Love can be corrupted also. It's called lust. It, along with pride, is one of the most powerful tools of the devil. You could seperate yourself from all humanity and still struggle with it. I dont know about girls, but I know every guy in the world has a problem with it. And it's not helped by the fact that it's so easy to see things these days! We've got porn, low-cut shirts, even everday TV shows portray pre-marriage sex, and skimpy clothes as a good thing!
Disney Channel even, you see them checking out girls as they walk past! We wern't made for that! "A man will be united with his wife." (Genesis 2:24a) This unification comes through sex! Notice it doesn't say girlfriend, or even fiance, and definitely not 2nd, 5th, 12th, and 17th girlfriends! It actually goes on to say "and they will becomeone flesh." Flesh isn't meant to be separated, and niether are man and wife! Think about it this way: would you want some guy/girl lusting after, or even having sex with your future wife or husband??

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heaven's Wager

The story of Job. 18th book in the bible. Basically the devil bets God that he can make a righteous man curse the name of God. Job literally loses everything. all of his land, (he was RICH!) his family, he even gets sores all over his body! And yet some how the love of God conquers.But what if that wasn't just a one time thing back 4,000 years ago? what if we are all part of a wager between Heaven and Hell?? What if each time a child is born, the devil says to God, "I bet i can get this one!" Sadly, a lot of people are claimed by him in the end. But a lot of people see HIS love and trust in the LORD!! But the devil is a sore loser. Even after a person is claimed by God, Satan will keep trying to win them over. However, the love of Christ is unreprehensable! Once you accept it, it can never be taken away! I know who's won the wager for my soul! Yeah, this is about more than life or death! This is about your SOUL! as in eternity! My soul is in the hands of my Father. Where is your soul? What about your brother's or sister's? Your mom's or dads'? Best friend's? Are you gonna spend eternity with them in everlasting love and joy? Or will you/they be tormented in Hell forever?