Monday, May 7, 2012

1 Peter 2

*NOTE: This was written as part of the weekly bible readings for the GSM Nicaragua mission trip. So when I refer to "this trip," that's what I mean.*

Also, that last one was supposed to be about 1 Peter 1, and that's what I made the title....but I read/wrote about 1 James 1.....oops.

Anyways, without further adieu, 1 Peter 2:

So. Summary. Let's see, first he talks about how we are a chosen people, and thought we will be rejected by men, we should still abstain from sin, "so that they may see your good works and glorify God" (v.2) He then goes on to say that we should submit to our 'masters' and authorities, (both kind and cruel) because it is commendable to God.
Peter was an interesting fellow. He had his dumb moments, but writing this definitely wasn't one of them. He realizes that we are going to have authorities in our lives, (be it teachers, parents, or bosses), and some of them won't be very nice, and may not even have our best interests in mind. But God wants us to endure submit, because it gives us love and patience, and it could show them Christ's love!
This section also has a lot to do with our trip. You are going to disagree with someone on this trip, and your response will have an impact on others on the team. It's up to you to decide whether that impact is positive or negative. Another connection is that we were all chosen for this trip by God and the leaders. God put something in each of our hearts to make us put in an application. (Because no one would fill out that much of an application for fun...just saying.) And I don't know how many (or if any) applications got rejected, but I do know that the leaders put a lot of time and prayer into who to accept. So each of us will have a specific part to play, and it's up to you to fulfill yours...

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