Saturday, January 21, 2012

Life vs. Liberty

I've thought about this for a long time. I'd really appreciate if you'd comment your thoughts also. So here goes. Abortion. Seems like its a controversial topic in every debate. I might contradict myself a bit, but bear with me.

I believe that you existed since conception, and even before that, in God's plan. But especially after conception. After all, "You knit me together in my mother's womb" (Psalm 139:13), and we are created "to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10) God was ready for us before we were a twinkle in our mother's eye. So by that way of thinking, abortion is the same as killing any other of God's workmanship, the same as killing a baby that has already been delivered.

However, I also think that people should have the right to choose. Is it fair to make a child who came about because of a rape, deal with all of the consequences? In an ideal world, that rape wouldn't happen, and parents and their children would be taken care of, and abortion would no be an issue. But this isn't that world, and it is an issue. One way to look at it is that God lets these babies come into existence, and doesn't stop people from having abortions, so why should we? Yes, I know that thinking is somewhat flawed, and we should try to convince them not to abort their child, but should it be a law? Another thought is that if you believe the child isn't "alive" yet, it's not a problem, and if you believe it is, doesn't its souls go straight to heaven when it dies? Yeah, it's like finding out a killer only murdered 20 people instead of 25.

I am proLife. If you come to me talking about having an abortion I will do everything in my power to talk you out of it. But I will not tie you down and force you to have the child. So I'm sorta proLiberty. I guess it really comes down to when the child is truly alive. What are your thoughts and beliefs?

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